Crochet star baby blankets

Crochet star baby blankets

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What cuties! And babies go crazy with them 😍

I leave you with a bunch of attachment blankets or “dou-dou”, as they are called in France, so that you can get ready if you have to make one.

It is the latest in attachment blankets, the kids love them because they can hold them very well and from a very young age and since they have the shape of an animal, they will love it 😊

They are relatively simple to make, I leave you 3 images at the end of the blankets so you can see how the star points are organized so that the body of the little bug takes shape and has everything necessary for the baby to enjoy it.

Most are lined in the front with pretty and fun fabrics, but you don’t have to, just a fancy touch to make them something even more special.

Although knitted they don’t look bad either 😀 … yes, count on doing two parts so that you don’t see the reverse of the work, it would be very shabby.

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Crochet star baby blankets

Models to inspire you

















Crochet star baby blankets


It is actually very basic, if you know how to knit in rows and single or half crochet (half double crochet) and decrease stitches, you will be able to make the wedges (triangles) that will form part of the legs of these beautiful stars.

You start from the back and from the center knitting in a circle and closing each round. Once it has the size we are looking for, we start with the stars.

For everything to go well, make sure that the points of the base circle can be divided between 6 legs of the star.

The head and feet will depend on the model you want to make.

There are those who weave them directly from the end of the stars and there are those who join them after making them by sewing them.

This is a very basic explanation and making these blankets requires some experience.
I consider that the Difficulty is Medium/High, because of the faces of the dolls, not because of the star itself.

I hope it helps you a little, although you already know what happens when we want to get something new without a pattern: do, undo, do, undo…

It is our life as crocheters ! 😂😂😂




¡ Mira !

Mantitas de Apego en Estrella (en español


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